Course Description

Jesus on Healing Self & Others – An Online Class 

Come and dive in the DEEP END with us. This is where we drill down to finally SEE and HEAL the hidden CAUSE of all our pain, no matter the “form” it takes. This course will help to heal our relationship with Self and others, including our children because it reveals the CAUSE of all suffering. All healing is accelerated as we focus on healing the one cause while no longer attempting to heal “effects” with magic effects. We will be reading Jesus’ ‘Psychotherapy, Purpose, Process & Practice, ‘which was dictated to Helen Shucman by Jesus, after ACIM. We will unpack and examine this goldmine of healing together! Let’s receive the inevitable and abundant healing which is available as we join with other like-minded students of ‘A Course in Miracles.’

All live sessions will be recorded. When you attend a live session you agree that Take Me to Truth may use video recordings of your likeness and voice in any way.

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